Follow these simple guidelines with your HIIT training and succeed in burning the fat while sparing the muscle.
Sensible Training Guidelines For High Intensity Training:
1. Perform 1-3 sets of 4-6 exercises for the lower body and 6-8 exercises for the upper body, and not more than 12 exercises in any workout most of the time.
2. Select a resistance for each exercise that allows you to do between 10-15 repetitions. Some may need 15-20 reps. Lower reps may be used at times.
3. Continue each exercise until no additional positive repetitions in good form are possible. When 15 or more repetitions are performed, increase the resistance by approximately 5 % the next workout. Go for overload.
4. Work the largest muscles first and move quickly from one exercise to the next. This procedure develops cardiovascular endurance.
5. Concentrate on flexibility by slowly stretching during the first couple of repetitions of a movement.
6. Accentuate the lowering portion (negative) of each repetition. If the weight stack is banging, you've lost control.
7. Move slower, never faster, if in doubt about the speed of an exercise. Don't move around in equipment while training.
8. Do everything possible to isolate and work each large muscle group to momentary overload. Don't hold your breath!
9. Attempt constantly to increase the number of repetitions or the amount of weight or both. But do not sacrifice form in an attempt to produce results. Train safe! Don't hold your breath! Your goal should be to exceed the last workouts performance, in as many exercises as you can.
10. Train no more than three times a week, Avoid over training!
11. Keep accurate records--date---resistance---r
12. Use any equipment that you have----machines or free weights---- the main point is safety. The muscles do not have brains that tell them if you are using machines or free weights, they only know resistance. The myth that free weights are better than properly developed machines is just that--a myth! Use advanced HIT principles sparingly, such as: breakdowns, pre-exhaust, negative only, negative accentuated, 3X3's, 30's Day, forced reps and more.
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