To get the best out of your training every time you prepare to train, make sure you have cleared your mind of all the negative.
Having a clear mind and letting go of daily stress will help you preform better in your training session.
We've all heard that stress is one of the leading causes for heart attack and stroke but many of us never really think about what else it's doing to our bodies. Just because your heart is functioning as it should does not mean you are not effected by the stress.
Stress produces cortisol and cortisol helps fat stay right where it's at and locks up fat loss. Stress also causes hypertension, and elevated blood pressure especially during resistance exercise is very dangerous.
Recent studies have also shown that stress reduces the production of ATP within the Mitochondria of the cells and limits your anaerobic endurance. Reduced levels of ATP will make your training session a real struggle. Cortisol also slows down the healing process and can bring on symptoms of over-training and cause disruptive sleep patterns making it even more difficult to train properly.
So when you walk into the gym make sure you take a moment and clear your head of daily stress and focus on the job at hand.
The truth be told, the stress you created is all in your head and only you can allow it to consume you or LET IT GO!
I highly recommend reading a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer entitled,
"There's a Spiritual Solution for Every Problem". This book has nothing to do with religion, it simply tells you how to let go of the stress that is effecting your life.
Remember being fit in the gym is just 1/3 of being totally fit. Remember to exercise the mind and spirit as well. You are only as strong as your weakest link.
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