Thursday, March 26, 2015

Learn to Motivate

Learn to Motivate
 I hope everyone is having a great week. The sunshine has been awesome this week, it seems as winter has finally thrown in the towel and our infamous Texas summer is just around the corner.

 So now it's time to step up the motivation and get ready for the busy summer months. I'm going to use a quote from Zig Zigler about motivation. "Motivation is awesome if applied daily, it's just the same as taking a bath, you bathe daily so you smell fresh and feel better. Motivation is the same as taking a bath, if you don't apply it daily you lose the power and you start to smell"! 
Using Motivation to your Benefit

When we are motivated, our self-confidence is sky high, and we feel extremely confident in accepting the challenges of daily life. It becomes easier for us to reach our professional goals as we can stretch ourselves beyond our abilities. While trying to motivate others, it is important that you keep yourself motivated because of two main reasons. Firstly, if you are motivated yourself, you can apply motivational techniques to others in a better way, and secondly, you have to make sure that you are motivating others in the right directions. If you just want to achieve your goals without considering the needs of others, you will end up with temporary, motivational solutions. This temporary change in motivation can cause high turnovers, bad work attitudes, and a poor working environment.
The best way to begin each day is simple, just tell yourself your going to have a great day! Put a smile on your face and head out the door. When you see others put a smile on your face and have something positive to say. When you greet customers always smile and listen to what they have to say. Offer them a resolve to their problem and do it with a smile on your face. Give the customer what they expect, "a solution to their needs" once you've done that you will have a customer for the long haul. They will come back to you and they will refer their friends and family to you. That's called success!
REMEMBER The energy you put out is the energy you will  get back. If you expect to stay motivated then put out that positive energy and that positive energy will come back to you. Think about it for just one minute, it's always the happy people that seem to have everything fall into the right place all the time, well that's no accident, those people understand that being positive means positive things will happen.
We offer a total wellness solution to you, it's not just about your weight, it's also about the mind and spirit. You're only as strong as your weakest link.
Have a super day and let's finish out the week in a positive way!

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