Thursday, May 7, 2015

Time to Change your Filters!!!

Time to Change your Filters!!!

This week we have discussed mineral deficiencies and how they play a crucial role in our health and our ability to drop unwanted body fat. Today I want to help you understand how important it is to keep our bodies clean and running smoothly. Yes I'm sure we all bathe and shampoo our hair, clip our nails and brush our teeth, but for most of us that's where the maintenance stops and where our health problems begin.

What I'm about to share with you may be some of the most important information you can get to keep and maintain a healthy body. Vehicles all come with a maintenance schedule and warn us if we do not follow the schedule our vehicles run a much higher risk of breaking down or just wearing out well before they've reached their prime. You can wash your vehicle daily but if you never change the oil you are asking for trouble. It's not a matter of if, but when your engine blows.  There are other filters and liquids that need maintenance on that vehicle too and all must be addressed our that vehicle will soon break down. All basic information right? Well what's sad is the very same things you do to your car should also be done to your body. We all have filters and they are need cleaning in order to run smoothly.

If you have any health issues right now, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, thyroid or adrenal issues, digestive problems and a host of other diseases, the first thing you should do is perform a body cleanse. If you are obese or just a little over weight I can promise you that you are in desperate need of a cleanse.

The organs that are most important and should be cleansed on a regular basis are:

1.The digestive system and colon.  Most all disease begins in our digestive system. Ideal body weight can not be attained without a healthy digestive system. FACT: You should have 2-4 bowl movements in a 24hr period. If you are having one or less a day you are constipated and in need of a colon cleanse.  Everyone should perform a colon cleanse on a monthly basis. This will keep your digestive system healthy and help prevent metabolic disease from creating havoc in your gut.  Staying hydrated and drinking proper amounts of water will also help keep us clean.

2. The Kidneys: The kidneys filter our waste water and help us discrete unneeded minerals and toxins from our body. Without proper levels of water, your kidneys will NOT function properly. If your body is too acidic, you put undue stress on your kidneys and along with dehydration you are setting yourself up for kidney stones and other health issues too. So once again drink lots of water.

3. The Liver: Without a doubt the liver is one of if not the most important organ to keep us healthy the sad truth is...... WE ALL ABUSE OUR LIVER. If you eat processed foods, smoke, drink alcohol, or even unfiltered tap water you are placing undue stress on your liver. The liver is vital in various hormone production and basically serves our body as the main filter to toxins in our body. Without proper liver function you are in trouble. Many diseases spin off from an unhealthy liver and many of them can be fatal, yet many of us have never even heard of a liver cleanse. The doctors will not tell you because they are counting on your poor health to make their living. FACT: Just like the oil change in your car your liver needs to be cleansed and treated too. If not, it's not if but when you become ill. 

By following a proper maintenance schedule with your body you can maintain your health, your quality of life and dramatically reduce your risk of contacting a disease that could end up taking your life.

This article in not meant to scare you, in fact this article is basic information you NEED to hear to keep your bodies healthy. By following the practice of cleansing, your health will improve, your quality of life will improve, your mental focus will improve and your body fat will return to a normal range too. (If you eat sensible).

Texas Metabolics can help you with learning how to cleanse your body. The cleanses are far too long to post in  one email so over the next few days (Friday and next week) We will include cleanses for all of the bodies vital organs and help you get you engine running smoothly.

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