Thursday, November 20, 2014

Women & Weight Training......

Women & Weight Training...... 

I attended a continuing education seminar a few weeks back and still to this day some medical some doctors do not feel that females should lift weights. I was shocked to hear these words come out of the mouth of a medical doctor. I do not have much respect for them in the first place but when I heard this I almost got up and walked out of the room. However I paid to
listen to this buffoon and I needed the CEU's so I bit a hole through my lip and remained in my chair. After the lecture I told him what I felt about his theories of conditioning and attempted to explain his mistake in not promoting weight training for his female patients. He asked me if I had every picked up a Muscle Magazine and seen the horrible damage that weight training had done to the women in these Magazines and I laughed out-loud at the man. I then asked him if he ever once thought that just maybe it was not the weight training changing these women into men , it is the anabolic steroids they were using? Then I pointed out many of our current fitness and figure women that have maintained a beautiful physique and he informed me that they maintained their looks through strict diet and cardiovascular exercise! Once again I laughed out-loud. I ended up just walking away from him and chalking him up as a lost cause.


These doctors are not trained in the benefits of a healthy life-style at all! Very few doctors have ever taken classes or studied nutrition and almost none of them know anything about a weight room!

Until the medical industry comes out of the dark ages and accepts the facts of prevention instead of shoving a pill down your throat we will continue to be a sick and fat society. In fact if you really think about it what is their motivation to change it?

If we were all healthy we would not need them, nor would we need the expensive tests or drugs they prescribe.

We must take it upon ourselves to understand proper nutrition and exercise leads to a longer healthier life!

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