Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Rebound Effect, get the best results for muscle gains after your diet!!!




You've worked so hard to build your body with a hard core diet and exercise don't throw it all away in just a few short weeks! Let me show you how to take advantage of this situation and pack on some really good muscle instead of the fat your body will gain if you go back to the same old ways of eating.

Take Advantage of this time and add some lean muscle to your body instead of the bloat that often follows a hard diet.

If you've ever dieted for a bodybuilding contest—or for an extended period just to reduce body-fat—then you know what you want to do right after that: nothing but eat all the decadent foods that you've been avoiding for the past couple of months.

Sure, that's one way to follow-up a restricted diet, but it can turn into a disaster, resulting in startling body-fat gains. A better strategy is to use this time to gain impressive heaps of muscle by taking advantage of the body's rebound effect.

The best gains of an entire year often come in the first few weeks after a cutting phase, making that period of time ideal for growth. In fact, you can easily gain five, six or even 10 pounds of real muscle mass in just six short weeks.

As with exercise the bodies digestive system also adapts to it's environment during the course of a long hard diet. You have restricted the amount of carbohydrates and therefore you have not the need for particular digestive enzymes in the gut. So your body dramatically lowers the enzyme count simply because they are not needed. Here is where the bloat and fat gains begin in the rebound from the diets.

It is best to begin the intake of carbohydrates slowly increasing the amounts you eat over the first few weeks, making sure you eat moderate to low glycemic index carbohydrates. Slowly increase the carbohydrates over the period of 4-6 weeks allowing your body to ramp up the proper digestive enzymes for the carbohydrates. I can not place a gram count on here because that will vary with each person based off of your metabolism and body type. There is NO one set amount for everyone. It is also highly suggested that you separate your consumption of proteins from your carbohydrates. I recommend eating your proteins at least 30 minutes before you eat your carbohydrates. Proteins are more difficult to digest and take longer to break down into usable amino-acids, than carbohydrates take to break down into sugar. When you load the weakened digestive system with proteins and carbohydrates simultaneously you have created a fat storing nightmare. In fact even when you are dieting you should eat your proteins and carbohydrates separate. Separating the proteins and the carbohydrates allows for higher absorption rates of both. It allows the body to produce the right enzymes to break down each food. When you eat proteins and carbohydrates together they do not digest as well and when you are in a rebound from a hard diet you have a much higher potential to store both as fat.

There are two things that can really help you with cravings and help keep you feeling full.

1. Take in one gram of L-Glutamine before you eat each meal. This will help you to digest the protein and help prevent muscle break down. L-Glutamine must be present to bond to the amino acids in the proteins you eat in order for them to be properly utilized and help prevent them from storing as fat. Also make sure you are taking a high dose of L-Glutamine before bed as well. This will prevent muscle break down at night when you body looks to replenish L-Glutamine storage in the gut.

2. Cook your foods with healthy fats, I highly recommend Coconut Oil. Coconut oil is 100% medium chain triglyceride oil and does not store as fat, in fact it will help keep your metabolism burning at a higher rate. Using coconut oil in place of consuming huge amounts of carbohydrates will give you the energy you need and prevent the cravings for sugar. Remember your digestive system has been altered and can not handle huge amounts of carbohydrates like most of us are accustom to consuming after a long diet.

Training during the Rebound.

The absolute best thing you can do for your body is let it rest for at least 7-10 days. Allow your muscle tissue the time it needs to repair itself and slowly allow glycogen storage to replenish. Once you have had ample time to heal from the training and calorie restriction then it is time to shock the muscle and stimulate the central nervous system (CNS). Make sure you hit the muscle with a variety of heavy weight low rep sets and mix in the higher reps to keep the muscle stimulated. Do not fall back into training the same way as you were training during contest diet.

Heavy weight with low repetitions can stimulate the CNS and enable you to increase the work loads during training. Increase work loads can and will increase muscular hypertrophy. This period of time after a long diet is an excellent time to build lean body mass. Stimulating the CNS and lifting heavier weights with less repetitions is perfect for adding lean muscle mass to your body.

The next 4-6 weeks post diet/rebound phase is actually one of the best opportunities to gain lean muscle mass as the body is prime for growth. This is in fact the best time for muscle gains because your body will be at its highest anabolic state during this time frame. It's sad that more competitors do not take advantage of this small window to add on some real quality muscle is such a short period of time. Defeating the urge to binge and following the plan set out in this article can and will add some serious muscle to your frame.

Remember what you eat, when you eat it and how you eat it, along with some rest followed by some really intense training will pack on some serious muscle during the 4-6 week rebound phase in a post diet situation.

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