Overcoming Bad Habits, Cravings and establishing new Healthier Habits.
Winter has arrived and this year so far it's been cold and wet. We have
much less sunlight and the weather is just miserable. With less time
outdoors we become sedentary and our
immune system is depleted. Flu season is in full swing and to top things
off many of us tend to gain weight and go through some form of
depression this time of year.
Re-aligning our biological or
neural pathways is one of the most powerful things people experience
when they go through the transformation process. And it happens, of
course, whether you know about it or not. I believe that being
consciously aware of the process can be an advantage, especially in
terms of “relapse prevention.” In this context, I’ll say relapse is
completely falling back into old and unhealthy eating habits.
Think of it this way – the old circuitry in our brains is like a dry
river bed. It’s always there, and as long as you’re consciously
diverting the energy flow in a new direction, it’ll remain inactive.
However, if we drift back into our old style of thinking, coping and
behaving, slowly but surely, it’ll eventually get to a point where it’s
like a damn bursts and the energy of those past patterns and it’s like
water gushing through the river bed again. When this happens, the pull
of those cravings and thoughts may even be stronger than they were
before. Anyone who’s yo-yo dieted, losing weight for a few months, only
to fall back into unhealthy eating habits, and subsequently gaining all
the weight back and more, has first-hand experience of this.
The good news is, there’s a solution and a sustainable one at that.
Albert Einstein said," The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results".
Once we realize that what we did before we started with the diet and
the training is what got us where we were before in the first place, we
can understand that we can not go back to that same place or we end up
right back where we started and in some people even worse than before.
Please understand you did not get in the shape you're in overnight and you can't permanently fix it overnight either.
When I work with people who are seemingly stuck in any unhealthy
pattern, one of my first recommendations is to get moving with
high-intensity interval training. Intense, interval training has been
scientifically shown to double, even triple, the amount of fat the body
burns, compared to longer duration (an hour or more) of moderate
intensity exercise. It does this by boosting mitochondria size and
number within cells and that can dramatically increase the oxidation and
metabolism of stored body-fat for many hours after your workout is
over. That means the ”calories burned” reading on exercise equipment is
very under reported. What we really want is to burn more fat calories
all day not just while we are doing our workout.
Another one of
the powerful benefits of intense interval training is that is releases
healthy amounts of neurotransmitters called catecholamines (dopamine,
epinephrine, norepinephrine), which satisfy the primary reward centers
of the brain, boost energy and further accelerate fat loss. These reward
centers all too often become chemically depleted by our modern way of
life (inactivity, high stress levels, all work no play lifestyles). When
neurotransmitter levels burn out, it can make us vulnerable to bad
habits like binge eating.
Another fact is many of us get caught
up taking fat burners and become chemically dependent of these products
because they too will stimulate neurotransmitters as well. Sad thing is
once you stop taking them you fall right back into the same old trap
and that's if your training or not. Remember anytime you place a
chemical in the body it will have side effects.
More good news:
Intense training also increases endorphin and serotonin levels (which
make the brain happy); so much so, that over a period of a few months,
it is more effective in treating depression than the most widely
prescribed (212 million prescriptions written last year) anti-depressant
drugs. And what do you know, the intense exercise no side effects which
can’t be said for the prescription drugs.
Once our bodies
start responding hormonally and we start to feel the positive effects of
our efforts we can easily establish new habits that will keep us in
shape and motivated to continue. Remember the body adapts to its
environment. Remove the toxic fast foods and sugar from your diet and
push your body to its limits and you will see results that will amaze
The biggest obstacle to overcome is to kick the addiction
of sugar and it's harmful effects on the body. As I mentioned in several
articles in the past, L-Glutamine taken before every meal and a healthy
dose before bed time will also aid you in overcoming the sugar
addiction and cravings for other foods. Now combine proper nutrition
along with intense interval training and you are fueling your body and
your brain for success.
So here’s my recommendation: If you
want to flip the switch from an unhealthy to a healthy appetite and
enjoy all the benefits which come with that, be sure to incorporate
high-intensity interval training into your training program. It will
help you break free from old patterns and crazy cravings. It will also
help you create new ones. And that, in turn, will help you enjoy
improved results that you can sustain for a long, long time.
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