The top 4 Oils that should be included in your diet.
1. Coconut Oil: Organic virgin coconut oil is one of the best choices
of good fat you can add to your diet. Coconut oil contains 90% saturated
fat and is made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) which are easily
digestible and can drastically improve your health. MCFA’s are not
stored as fat because they are immediately converted to energy once
in the body. This oil is also very good to cook with because it remains
stable even under high temperatures. Coconut oil contains lauric acid
(a known immune stimulant), is rich in fiber, and contains essential
vitamins and minerals. Organic raw unrefined extra virgin coconut oil is
the best to use and should be solid at room temperature.
Benefits of consuming coconut oil include: Weight loss, immune system
support, cardiovascular health, increased energy, thyroid support,
healthy skin, hair and nails, improved cell regeneration, disables
fungus, bacteria and viruses, improves insulin secretions and protection
against free radicals.
2. Hempseed Oil: Hemp Seed oil is
derived from the seeds of the plant cannabis sativa. It provides all
the essential fatty acids (EFA’s) and essential amino acids, structured
in an easily digestible form to maintain human life. The oil is composed
of 80% essential fatty acids, the highest in the plant kingdom. It
contains the Omega 3,6 and 9 fatty acids. No other plant oil has a
perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 EFA’s. Hemp seed oil is also
great for vegetarians because it provides them with healthy fatty acids
without having to consume fish oil. Hempseed oil is also rich in vitamin
E and is the only plant which provides a source of Vitamin D.
Benefits of consuming Hemp Seed oil include: Cardiovascular support,
natural sunblock agent, helps high blood pressure, reduces PMS, lowers
high cholesterol, reduces inflammation, calms arthritis, soothes eczema,
assists the brain and nervous system, produces healthy cell membranes,
healthy skin, nails and hair, and can be used as skin moisturizer
without clogging pores.
3. Flaxseed Oil: Flaxseed
oil is extracted from the seeds of the flax plant. This oil contains 55%
of Omega 3 fatty acid by weight. Omega-3 refers to three types of fatty
acids, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Once consumed, the human body converts ALA
to EPA and DHA. This oil is also high in fiber and potassium. Flaxseed
oil requires special packaging because it is easily destroyed by oxygen,
heat and light. It is best to purchase organic flaxseed oil and keep it
refrigerated to preserve freshness.
Benefits of consuming
Flaxeed oil include: Helps crohns disease, colitis, soothes intestinal
walls, natural laxative, reduces high cholesterol, promotes healthy
hair, nails and skin, reduces symptoms of menopause and helps burn body
4. Olive Oil: Olive oil has been used as a medicine and
health aid since it was first cultivated around 5000BC. It is a
monounstaurated fat and contains vital vitamins, nutrients and
antioxidants. Olive oil has a large amount of vitamins A, D, and K, as
well as vitamin E, which are key sources needed to prevent free radical
damage. When purchasing make sure the olive oil is organic, cold pressed
and extra virgin.
Benefits of consuming olive oil include:
Promotes healthy digestion, protects against heart disease, eases
symptoms of gastritis and ulcers, lowers gallstone formation and reduces
high cholesterol.
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