Friday, December 26, 2014

The Need for Vitamin D

The Need for Vitamin D

Unless you are out in the sun on regular basis, adequate amounts of Vitamin D can be hard to come by. This is mostly due to the fact that it is more difficult to get this vitamin from the diet than it is to get adequate amounts if, say, calcium or iron. This is because there are very few dietary source of it to be had, fish like salmon being one of the best ways to get it. Vitamin D is often added to products like milk and many people use Vitamin D supplements, but absorption of this nutrient can also be a problem. So it’s important to know what signs of Vitamin D deficiency to look for. These are examined below.

Muscle Weakness

Since adequate amounts of Vitamin D are needed for the development and maintenance of muscles, then muscle weakness can be one of the signs that you are lacking in the this nutrient, especially if you have not made any changes to your diet or exercise regimen to otherwise account for this.


While depression has many possible causes, there have been many studies linking this emotional disorder with inadequate levels of Vitamin D. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, women in particular are more vulnerable to depression with this lack.


If you find yourself chronically achy or sore without any apparent reason for it, this could be another sign that you are Vitamin D-deficient. It appears that the link between lack of this nutrient and chronic pain is particularly strong in those of African American descent.

Brittle Bones

Vitamin D is needed for bone growth and strength and, without it, bones can become brittle. This can put you at a much greater risk for fractures – in fact, it can more than double your risk if your vitamin levels are particularly low.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common problem in America and it puts those who suffer from it at a great risk for heart attacks and strokes. While the cause is not known, several studies have uncovered a link between Vitamin D deficiency and elevated blood pressure.


Vitamin D deficiency also appears to affect your sleep cycles and in the Journal of Clinical Sleep, a study was published in 2012 that found a correlation between low Vitamin D levels and increased frequency of daytime sleepiness.


If you feel grouchy most days and have no reason to be, this might also be because of insufficient Vitamin D. Deficiencies in Vitamin D can affect the levels of serotonin in your brain – and serotonin is one of the hormones that heavily influences the mood.
If these symptoms match what you have been experiencing, it might be a good idea to go into your doctor or practitioner and voice your concerns. Bloodwork can reveal if your Vitamin D levels are adequate and from there, you and your physician can come up with a plan of care to help you improve your levels if needed.

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